TGT Structure

TGT has a Trust Deed/Constitution which spells out the Vision and Mission of the Trust and the target groups for achieving impact. Based on this, we periodically develop our strategic plans which contain strategic objectives for the various programmes we implement. Our structure is as follows:

Board of Trustees

TGT has a committed Board of Trustees that is led by Dr. Donath R. Olomi, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development. The Board is governed by a policy that requires Members to serve for limited time periods, thereby allowing fresh ideas to flow into TGT periodically.

The Board has put in place the following governance structure:

  • Governance /Executive Committee – which ensures the governance and accountability of the Trust
  • Projects and Programmes Oversight Committee – which overseesall of our programmes to ensure implementation is done according to set standards
  • Audit, Finance and Procurement Committee – which sets financial regulations and provides financial oversight according to regulations that govern not for profit organizations in Tanzanian
  • TGT Management Team and Staff – who implement our programmes and report according to approved policies, regulations and contracts. This lean but highly motivated team is led by a Chief Executive Officer and Departmental Managers

Our accounts are externally audited every year and have received clean reports every time. The Trust is also compliant with all important laws and regulations.